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Thursday 9 June 2011

Locnville Assaulted By "fucking police"

Locnville - are two offish crass-looking brothers whom supposedly make music, with a ferous larynx and a mishmash of nintendo 64 jingles.

For those of you who are completely oblivious to their horrible live performances - they are apparently an electro pop due from South Africa, who can't sing nor fight - and enjoy being sucker-punched.

Yes that's right folkies! A Mob of angry South African folks allegedly confronted them about how awfully crassy they are, at a petrol station in Claremont, Cape Town. And the fuzz thought so to, as they maced one of the clods.

The pop clods, Brian and Andrew Chaplin, claim that a fight erupted after a group of folks called them "fags" and "wankers" - and police intervened to stop the fight which is hysterical because when the South African police intervenes, they have policies to beat the shit out of you. And the Loc' clods hopelessly can't fight, even when aggresively intoxicated with cosmopolitans, and all those other pink drinks.

Twitter reports:

"Locnville was just assaulted by police officers."

Good or bad? 1) Good - police are there to serve society with police brutality, and society is bent at ears with their sloppy music. 2) Bad - we'll tiresomely be bore to death with their whining - about how they'll be moving to New Zealand and Australia - because like most deranged pink-faced white asylum folks, South Africa is a shit place.

According to their Facebook page, as they are desperately attention-seeking - which you can see by the overuse of the exclaimation and question marks.

"Locnville was just assaulted by the SAPS!!!!!! Brian was maced in the face and our best friend punched in the face by fucking police!!!!!! Can you believe it????? What happend to South Africa????"

So the clod was assumingly maced in the face by one of the worlds most unresourceful "fucking police" force. It was probably a tin-can of axe which the polite "fucking police" sprayed onto the reeking drunks. What polite and caring "fucking police" with their stomachs out and chest in, ey??????!!!!!!

Where are the "fucking" travel agents??????

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