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Monday 30 May 2011

The amphitheatre of being a sucker- gambling + Nelly (including all those other substances he denies)

Gambling is an age-old tradition where simpletons would foolishly spendthrift their hardcheese paychecks at the promise of cloud cuckoo land. As a result of their gluttony they are responsible for boggling up their own lives - we pity the fools and patronize them with tv ad slogans 'gamble responsibly' - not that it matters...

Regardless of the righteous son-of-a-bitch lifestyle which doinks pretend to be having - we were born to gamble - life's a gamble, ey?..

Since the genesis of the bedraggled marble we call earth, gambling's pretty much accredited by god as both ancient Catholics and Jews gambled for 'religious reasons', for all one knows to counter the devils luck. For instance, Jesus never required a fishing rod but only a table and axiom commandments where he could gamble with fish...

Some folks have even taken gambling to the extreme by bucking the odds in a killer game of russian roulette - while others hedged the bets going out a limb in a 8-bit game a mahjong...

Still, nothing beats when you're in albatross - a herculean liquidator at your door-step to give you a flash from the past - that your talents were put to an unworthy use...

Which is what happend to Nelly as his talents were put to unworthy use. It appears that Nelly's cheese has gone hard, as his ex manager, Slim, conveys the impression that Nelly's a charlatan in the game of rap - he packs steriods and cocaine in to his hopeless bag of bones...

Furthermore, Slim airs Nelly's dirty laundry - claiming that he has 'financial woes' - due to the rapper's gambling problem which now has him in a bottomless pit of debt - concurrently losing his home in the process. We speculate that even the toothfairy would capitalize on the situation leaving Nelly toothless...

Nelly tattles like a toothless opus on twitter denying the allegations. He wrote that:

"I no some hoping that 4closure statement is tru but I'm sorry EPIC FAIL!"

Err?!? So to an extent the abovementioned idiomatic statement's true as we're inclined to think that there's a obviously perplexed admission of guilt, "I'm sorry EPIC FAIL!". Nelly continues to defend himself in the third person, adding that:

"Don't nothing go into this body but fish, chicken, turkey, protein, ROZAY, ciroc remy and Budweiser. The only people who say that is people that don't work out. Anyone who goes to the gym knows what Nelly is doing is nothing."

Ok, now that we've been around twice to the bickering of the loggerheads. We at She & Him choose to remain bliasé - you decide folks - before we bring into existence the purely biased and obnoxious She & Him tools of assessment...

Anyways Nelly - from She & Him to you - we bring forth a catchpenny cliché recently used by a characterless tit...

'Some guys are like scratchcards. Exciting at first, until you scratch away the surface to reveal the loser beneath.'

'#OMGJustSoEpic', eh?!?

Daft we know, err...

Mi casa es su casa (you are welcome to potty a comment on this lawn)

Adíos conocido/as

Don't bother trying to sniff our vasectomy panties on Facebook or Twitter as the writer chooses to remain anonymous, for reasons of having Jesus' abs and Brad Shits face.

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