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Monday 9 May 2011

Dad of the year award goes to...*creaks and groans*, Charlie Sheen?..

While many fathers are scrambling beneath the bed-bug infested couch, searching for the last remains of the piggy bank that they ploughed the free-range out of...

To feed the gluttony fat slobs that they are with a McD's cow dung burger to impregnate their enzymes...

Well, according to our potted-up sources, Sheen has in a shocking turn of events stepped up to the plate of a slaptsick parent?..

We presume that in the course of natural events, there comes a time in a mans life when he has to quit larking about snuffling, and toss the ACDC sweat shirt aside...

And become the ideal father you'd come across who would spend quality time with their kids by reading them stories and playing games with them...

Sheen nonetheless, has startlingly taught his prospect succesor twins the word 'rehab'...

Well according to the quaffed rehab mark off Sheen, "I'm teaching them words because they're speaking now"...

Oblivious to his prospect succesors typical child development, Sheen justifies the laughable aforementioned claiming that, "I'm teaching them the word 'rehab' so that they know where their mom is"...

It would be gramatically incorrect for Sheen to take any recognition, thus Sheen overlooked the actuality that their mom will be visiting him...

Sheen has further stated that, "My children at least know that if I'm not around, then I'm on tv", and don't forget that you're a star on She & Him...

Ah, what if the folks at She & Him passionately pronounced what an admiral job Sheen in particular is doing, then we would all sound like rumpled and malnourished opium-snorting anthropologists...

Well, what do you expect from a ham-fisted twat?..

So we say, well done Sheen. We shall take our fedora's off for this gracious act of idiocy to keep the juices flowing in our pens...

Mi casa es su casa (you are welcome to potty on this lawn)

Adíos conocido/as

Don't bother trying to sniff our vasectomy panties on Facebook or Twitter as the writer chooses to remain anonymous, for reasons of having Jesus' abs and Brad Shits face.

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