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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Two and a Half Men signing up Ashton Kutcher's just a trial-run to see how unresponsive we are

Pardon. Before we go berserk seeing that we usually resemble the likes of an alphabet killer, and continue to discredit Kutcher for 'winning the lottery'. Civilized as can be, we would like to enthrone Sheen in the She & Him potty shrine.

One- for the impressive ratings he received for transcending from our tv screens...

Two, for spooning gossip columns with editorial disasters...

Lastly, on behalf of all folks universally, thank you for being so considerate in letting Kutcher bleed dry all enthusiasm we had left lingering in our vacant vessels and make a complete blunder of the show for one last season...

All right folks? Yes? No? Maybe? What? Uhmmm? Eh?..

It's a win-win situation folks. Fair enough, while we're still fretting about Kutcher replacing Sheen on 'Two and a Half Men', good news is that it will only be for one season, as Kutcher was only signed for a year. In the meantime, producers may take advantage of our tv sets, handing over more time for American folks to head down to the roadhouse to grab a cheeseburger...

According to sources whom we pilfered an arm and a leg into their udders for information, the show was renewed for a season. Depending on how unreceptive folks are to the show and obesity statistics from the American Public Health Association, Kutcher could be cut from our screens...

Meaning that even if he attempts to make us laugh with his silly antics and not the audience as Sheen did, he would be dropped and be replaced by someone else. We're not surprised as this is very common in American soapies from 'Days of our lives' to 'All My Children' which we no longer bother to watch as most folks are enticed by the Mcd ads popping onto our screens...

It's difficult to discern whether or not the show would be as impressively popular as it was when Sheen was still present, as his guise in reality backed him up for whenever we were on the verge of shutting off our tv sets when the show became too boring...

Potentially. Optimists are sucking their thumbs stating that Kutcher will be just fine as he's able to get a few more years out of the sitcom. What? Eh? Ya? So they say, but we disagree and say...

Hand Kutcher a scrub and have him prance down the hospital halways with JD on scrubs while we call him nurse Kutcher.

Save us from the agony before we become terminally ill...

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