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Thursday 5 May 2011

Trump card-Jump the Trump? She & Him marginalizes it for you foxtrot folks


Globally known for manufacturing the likes of the the french fries clogged larynx sensation, Celine Dion...

That brought pussy blokes to tears with her icebearg ear deafening Titanic jingle...


It has infested the countryside with the country (again, without the 'o') incest sensation, Shania Twain...

Furthermore... It has lowered its standards by manufacturing the doll-faced shrub known as Bieber...

When India needs more dames for the scatterplot-dotted unshaven chumps...

As we know from the previous snot blog concerning the whining doll-faced shrub, She & Him produced, 'Totty tantrums-Bieber falls in love with fairy tale-like destroyer'...


We feel obliged to do something disgustingly positive for you okes, blokes, stoked narcotic hippies and vomiting dames...

That Canda...

Like a sexually infested hag whose fallopian tubes are like the sewage pipe throat of an East European bloke...

Has embraced bieber's protagonist tot notions, by corroborating with Anthony Baxter, the filmaker bloke...

Who's attempting to launch a fist at the degenerated sperm cell Trump, with his documentary...

Before we label the degenerating sperm cell as a 'bully'...

She & Him will review the latest research that has come to the fore...

From what we've heard at the She & Him headquarters...

We assume that the degenerating sperm cell probably demanded from the simmering tea pot Obama, to teach him how to dougie...

Obama on the broken telephone, presumably overheard 'doggy', and blasted off the assumed sexual hints...

The degenerating sperm cell Trump, then cocked into pussy mode...

And like an erectile dysfunctioned penis that he is...

Resolved to have a battle with the ever-morphing Obama...

Obama however...

Slipped out his birth certificate and gashed the fine-hairs left on the degenerating sperm cell Trump...

So we ask, if this makes the degenerating sperm cell Trump a 'bully'?

More like a total asshole...


Anthony Baxter, the filmaker bloke hopes that he'll get a U.S distributor


Word of advice from the She & Him and the gang...

Slip the tape and some heterosexual porn into Bieber the doll-faced shrub's seventeen mag fan mail...

As the doll-faced shrub supports the revolutionary movement from whimps to protagonist...

And then you could romantically embrace with the tot infront of millions of puking She & Him's...

Mi casa es su casa (you are welcome to potty on this lawn)

Adíos conocido/as

Don't bother trying to sniff our vasectomy panties on Facebook or Twitter as the writer chooses to remain anonymous, for reasons of having Jesus' abs and Brad Shits face.

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