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Thursday 19 May 2011

Eminem reconsiders disinteresting cinema-going folks

The seasons has changed Eminem new now that he's realized he wasn't made for rap, as all white folks have emptied stadium-sized concerts, and now opted to tune their waxy eardrums to Katherine Jenkins whom frankly is not shoddy...

Candidly, he's not tacky enough to keep track of gnarly white-trash Ke$ha, and the general public are conked-out of listening to a white dolt bark about his identity crisis, and how he should've been black and not an albino...

Also, society's beat with the scurrilous language he calls rap, and it irritates us as he off-puttingly grouches that his Milf mother is a 'whore', and the tots names he's always fanaticizing in his songs about, like a pedophile...

Up till now we thought that the kingdom had come, when Eminem splotched 8mile onto our free-to-air channels, to see him for all the stupid shit that his done. Far from glorified, and backed with a movie where he squats to rap, Em' bent our ears with additional cellphone ringtones which we bluetoothed to each other, and mimicked the lyrics to whenever we had to defend ourselves against thugs...

Straightfowardly, we've never taken Em' too seriously, until recently when he announced that he's tired of being McHammer broke, and that he's open to the transition of going from rapper to actor...

Like a bad dream we were too tired to zip-lock Em' as he idiomatically states that:

"I think Ice Cube said this one time; I think I heard him say this one time. If you can rap, if you can perform to the camera for singing and videos, it should be pretty, fairly natural transition. I felt like having heard him say that was like, 'Oh, this may be fairly easy -and it wasn't."

Ice Cube was quite convincingly authentic in movies due to his cataloged criminal superiority... His ability to make us feel racially inferior... And he was the idyllic profile for the character as a criminal... Fact is, he was as unsuccesful as a cubic zirconia at wining lady's heart...

Furthermore, Em' adds that:

"It's a whole different thing, because you may be used to performing to the camera, but it's a whole different ball game when the music is off and you have lines that you need to say. It takes a minute to get used to."

Acting's quite diff' Em'. You see you need to learn lines which contains indisputable content, proper English, requiring talking and not lip-synching like a tarred white rabbit...

With a soupcon of colloquialism, Em's more than a troubled perform. He's just shitty, crappy and tawdry at acting. Which explains why he made a cameo appearance in Judd Apatow's 'Funny people'...

But who are we to pass judgement onto Em' as he made an adequate impression on the monotonous 8mile, to bring us the hush-hush of American projects...

Still, we hope that Em' won't give acting another shot as numerous clods and addlebrain puppets have failed to achieve any fame, from Vanessa hudgens and Selena Gomez to Biebs. They're all crappy. Vice versa. Lip-synching, no singing. You'll be the clay pidgeon to our ballpoints...

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