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Tuesday 3 May 2011

*William + Bin Laden- like Pushing Daisies*

So the Bin Laden saga continues...

Resurging to make Jesus's resurrection look like a mere David Blaine performance...

The supernatural-news-sensation and tormentor superstar has yet again took a crap on millions of peoples faces...

As numerous bums and sods on Facebook have been embarking on making impractical decisions like hominoids (apes)...

By clicking on a futile virus that has spread all over Facebook...



The cherry ontop of the cake, Bin Laden, after having his vacation abrubtly interupted, has 'delayed', the honeymoon of the filthy rich majestics, William and Kate...

Like a scene out of 'pushing daisies', once the pie-maker, William, took the first unveiled lacklauster peck at Kate, the unsuccessful renegade 50cent protegé, Bin Laden, was shot...

What a way to end your tv subscription...

Anyways, as spiteful as the master of illusion escapee was, has now sparked a neurotic anxiety trend...

The fixated fantasy with the master of illusion escapee, Bin Laden, has convinced William to settle on delaying the honeymoon...

But what about the bedroom?..

One would expect Kate to be geared up like a nun in the confession cubic ready to moan to a doggy-style tune, 'the royal penis is clean your highness'...

However, She & Him can verify that 'William will return back to work'...Ok perverts...

If you thought the wedding was a strenuous optic nerve dessection ...

Imagine having them still trot all over the globe to piss all countries it has colonized, and the Australian and South African cricket blokes, the hell off in irritation with a world tour...

Hopefully not with all the Queens horses and men, the barmy army...

Those drunk sods will never be able to put humpty dumpty back again...

Mi casa es su casa

Adíos conocido/as

Don't bother trying to sniff our vasectomy panties on Facebook or Twitter as the writer chooses to remain anonymous, for reasons of having Jesus' abs and Brad Shits face.

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