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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Unceremonious heave-ho: Marianna Goriuk wants nickles-back from Chad Kroeger

There's nothing like a woman's scorn to undermine a bloke's self-worth and inferior talents...

Whether it ranges from the ridiculing effortless orgasms that dames pretend to be having, to generate the illusion of engjoyment, to the off-putting microwave food that tastes like a bowl of butch with chunks of marrow...

Sadly a fatal blow, as you realize at that point in time you are fenced with a bloodthirsty dame that will bring you nothing but misery. So you go on a emotional twister and paint the district red, only to have the dame accuse you of countless rendezvous with Asian porcelain dolls...

So you left with nothing but your inferior talents and a eeeeeeeeeex vowing to drag you with her 6-feet-under...

Alas, nothings more wicked than having your bottom whacked with a summons to remind you that you impregnated the eeeeeeex's cloud decades ago, and that you're the agent in the traumatic spousal misfortunes that occurred, automatcally granting the ex a slice of your bread (which we all know for a woman a slice is haaaaaaaalf)...

Well folks, this is what happend to Nickleback frontman Chad Kroeger, despite the fact that we can't prove the abovementioned sketch, we have reason to believe that being a rocker's even more off the rocker than the mildly put sketch...

What we can confirm is that Chad's ex (Marianna Goriuk) has now garbed herself with a vindictive cloak and taken Chad to court seeking a handsome $95,000 a month in spousal support. After all, he has only been paying her $10,000 a month in spousal support Y'know...

Upon calling Lady Justic, B.C. Supreme Court Associate Chief Justice-Anne MacKenzie, she outlines an intricate explanation of the 'bread and butter' lifestyle (of $9,7million, so we won't empathize when hearing 'bread and butter'):

"I find $10,000 a month to be unreasonable in all circumstances. The parties' lifestyle was extravagant. According to the claimant, they spent unlimited amounts to improve their properties. The ordered expensive foods and wine, took private jets to Mexico and other places, hired helicopters on the last minute to fly in to Vancouver for the evening and travelled in limousines. He has a variety of assets, including corporations, trusts, partnerships, real property and other assets that are difficult to discern."

Here we thought you were just a rocker gone off the rocker Chad. Bad detection indeed.

Yet, we at She & Him agree that Marianna deserves more. Hearing aids are quite costly Y'know Chad. Lady Justice- Anne MacKenzie declared that Chad pay an amount of $25,000 a month while the common (faux pas) marriage goes to trial, where they'll be able to access 'credibility and reliability' (in other words-checking whether the preluded sketch is true, and if she should get more than $95,000 because she's a woman and all women want half, as according to Marianna $25,000 is just an 'average budget')...

'Average budget' is a common hallucination amongst women. So Marianna's probably unable to pay rent and sleeps under an umbrella, eats out of the trash-can with Top Cat, and begs the streets for change from $25,000 to do ordinary things like grocery shopping, eh?..

Heave a sigh for us dear folks. We forsee that Marianna will be the latest trendsetter of socialites that would demand an even handsomer amount of nickles for every court appearance made...

Although we might not know what Marianna will spendthrift the handsome spousal support on, maybe get a man we hope? Doesn't that count as spousal support too, eh?

What an unceremonious heave-ho...

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