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Thursday 26 May 2011

Conservative U.S folks 'appalled by nudity' they have to pay to watch

Those days before we at She & Him became visually lethargic - being apathetic students whom despised shakespearean garbaged dialect, we put down our banjo's and accordions, and antipathically read 'The Great Gatsby'...

No. Who are we kidding. The synopsis was great, ey? Anyways F. Scott Fitzgerald's the author whom cackled conspicuously and politely like a broker about the american dream - the dynamics of bootlegged liquor printed on a catalogue - implanted seeded dimensions which slips one into a deep sleep of great drepression while filling your soul with Jack Daniels and vomit...

We were honestly begining to lose touch of the baroque American flight of fancy, until the U.S established a now flourishing congenial (not congenital, ok?) pornography industry worth $14 Billion to comfort us in times of romantic bankruptcy. Hate the government ,but not the porn, ey?

Switch off the TCM can-can as China Lion will be releasing the internationally renowned porno film 'Sex and Zen:Extreme Ecstacy in 3D'...

China Lion released a statement saying:

"We're looking at as wide as possible a release for this groundbreaking film and are currently working with our theatrical partners AMC for the U.S. Toronto, Cineplex for Vancouver and Consolidated in Hawaii. Announcements are expected in the next two weeks."

Great news as we all dejectedly remember China for the fast-talk resulting in a concurrent ridiculous harmony of both Mandarin and English, where the creepishly old man with a rot-liquo-rice mouth, executes somersaults, and punches you with an animalistic instinctual kung-fu technique...

Is it ok to say that China officially produces anything and everything from kindling communist kung-fu to easily breakable utensils? Hmm...

Alas, life on earth would be hit with conservative apriorisms. Not that we care - it aids us in poking fun at creatures angrily compeled to contest human order with their unreasoned petitioned ethical codes...

So for all these conservative morons appalled by nudity which they have to pay for to watch - before you get your panties into a bow-tie, Stephen Shiu Yeuk-Yuen said the film "is just like being a voyeur near someone's bed."

Think of it as 'Sex and the City'. Just with sexually-appealing much younger-looking woman...

God bless-ed America, ey?!.

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