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Thursday 19 May 2011

Jesus loves all the little kids-what if Amy Winehouse has a baby?

Amy Winehouse is trying to have a baby, and we hope Jesus still loves kids...

Also, we don't blame any uterus for wanting to leave in the middle of the night...

This is a baseless statement as Amy having a uterus is unconfirmed and unfounded, like Caster Semenya yet we pressume that somewhere beneath her arid skin there exists a sober reproductive organ...

At first we were clotted with vagueness when trying to figure out what this actually meant. Thus after reaffirmation we no longer have to ground our kids and use the excuse that 'you grounded because of Amy'...

No. She has a tainted anatomy and a polluted blood circulatory system, still she's human though we can't comprehend the atypical personality...

So. Please have a seat human rights whiners. This is going to be a survivor finale as it'll take a warrior, to beat around the bushy wushy and rattle Amy's slot machine...

In the latest update on the celeb game of musical chairs, singer Amy Winehouse has checked herself into a health clinic to get 'baby ready'...

'Baby ready', eh? Does this include a hindrance of fizzing birth control tablets?..

Aside from our aforementioned angst, it seems as if Amy has been benefiting largely from the clinic, as she's arrived at her goddaughter's party looking least appropriate to establish a parenting conscience...

According to the favourable She & Him source which we often whisk at, twice to be exact, the Sun, it states that:

"Amy has checked herself in. She wants to get herself 'baby ready' so she and Reg Traviss can start a family in the not too distant future".

Internally, our minds will be provoked with graphic images of a stunted prop floating around in a winehouse amniotic fluid causing us to breakdown with our wrists slit...

Not neccesarily. As there's some optimism that Amy will cut the expectations, although she still enjoys taking pictures in the loo. Due to her 'health clinic' of Blake to the faraway-forests, and now 'health clinic' of herself with a new aura, so that the uterus she owned at a time may again once more return to execute it's proper duties, as a reproductive organ, and not a mule...

Merrier or not. More kids for Brad and Jolie as long as they're shipped off to Africa to acquire a few diseases to move them up on the adoption list...

Maybe Amy would make a good parent considering her history. Though, we highly predict that she'll implement the 'tot system', where the kids will have a shot of brandy, and reflux all over the stage like Bieb tots...

With Amy on planet parent, sperm banks will go insolvent from Amy's intake, with blokes performing emergency castrations like Swede's. So we say, cheeeeers Amy..! May your fertilized egg bring out the good in you, the side which we have yet to see, to prevent us from throttling you with adoption agencies...

Though, we hope that this won't spark another fad of research into abnormal child psychology, since Woody Allens' conception...

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