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Tuesday 31 May 2011

Erectile dysfunction- Moby loves music more than the Britney + Ke$ha

What does Britney & Ke$ha have in common, besides for looking tacky and schlocky?..

Both these crud's music wane our auditory canals to a screeching halt, to the point where we dismember our ears - our organs flee like fugitives as if we just administered self-chemo - we become grumpy and astringent in a pool of vomit. Perhaps like Moby?..

Moby, the 'blimpy penis-bald 45year old' muso's blowing the whistle on Britney and Ke$ha - believing that they should not be labeled as "music"...

The bloke describes Britney as "broken" and that he's no longer attracted to her because she's lost all appeal since her rise to stardumb, due to her train-wreck lifestyle...

He goes on to say that the music's "fun, but I don't think of it as music." So the music that Britney and Ke$ha croon are shitty music. Says who? Says Moby the shriveled penis lad...

"It's manufactured. I appreciate it as a pop culture phenomenom and some of the songs I like if I hear them in a shopping mall or something, but it doesn't function as music for me."

Its' basically like saying, 'I enjoy hearing their music in a shopping mall. Only problem is, it doesn't function as music to me because my head begins to swell like testicles to an elephantoid size and I can't openly embrace the pop culture phenomenom with a wank in the shopping mall loo.'

Just in case we forgot what real music is amongst all the shitty artists, Moby wanks that "music is something that communicates emotion and integrity in a really interesting, direct way."

Moby angrily frustrated with the love of music, and not women, continued his build-up to the neverending climax, adding:

"And when I listen to the pop music you're describing, it's hyper-produced corporate product."

Don't even try to get Moby started on music folks, not that we care. He wails:

"That isn't really even a criticism, but I just think calling it music is a misnomer."

What a stagnate old man with goose egg integrity. We don't expect the written-off Brit' or off-putting Quiche to bite the hand that feeds them. Picture their snotty faces at the bedsit - can you see Britney and Ke$ha moaining 'moby dick'...

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