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Wednesday 25 May 2011

End-of-the-world: Camping says 'Diarise October 21', eh?

She & Him: The year was 2011AD.

Looking up, looking down and all about. The setting was a common sight you'll see in Dheli. An abundance of thick air flushed upon us - and it was stuffy and smelt of wellington boots. There were no picket-fences, yet In the backdrop beamed a cheeseburger layered creature with dentures, soiled in a sweaty shirt. Still we couldn't have been located in the U.S...

Scattered across the landscape you could see folks queing up as if they just arrived from the Dheli express at a concentration camp, yet it couldn't have been the Taj Mahal...

Up front was the most hidieous, but sexy looking creature. She had wings. Her hair was the cleanest at present, so it couldn't have been Jakarta...

She sniggered like a hyena, had a scrawny malformed stature queer designers call 'sexy' and had no front teeth. Still it couldn't have been Africa...

How did we get there? And why is there a barcode on our wrists? We're not East European, nor are we Stephen King, ok folks?..

We're delighted to cut the suspension of your thonged undies, so count your blessings in debt clay pidgeons. What a load of hogwash ey? The folks at She & Him are in raptures after hearing that our contracts at blogspot will only expire after Halloween, Oct 21 when Americans are gagged in jawbreakers like stuffed oinks. That's when the next raptures going to take place, ok? Now you know...

Step aside narcoleptic bobby. In the latest update on the 'end-of-the-world' saga Camping announced he was off by 5 months. We blissly enjoy indulging in childish aphorisms at She & Him, so '5 months off' sounds like he's past his sell-by-date. Yes? No?..

Nummerically inclined, but alas he probably rejaculated the days on his Helen Mirren calender-girls, with a scientific calculator. So don't blame scientists, nor Tom Cruise. He's a scientologist, doesn't mean he reasons like a scientist...

With all prospects of alphilbiology, evidently Camping reasons like a 12 year old and thinks his 21 to say antipodal gobbledygook. No, your hindered transition a blunderingly task, still we're incapable of ironning out each crease to make you look the part. Enough insults...

According to the dwindled Camping, the world will end in October without any embroilment of Jesus. He wheezes that:

"We've always said May 21 was the day, but we didn't understand altogether the spiritual meaning. May 21 is the day that Christ came and put the world under judgement."

So there you go folks. The world will casually end under speculation on October 21. Hopefully it would put the cork in the pharynx of these gay and deranged Jehovah Witness' chumps...

Just because we mentioned gay and pharynx - we permit you to be as childish as we at She & Him are for twisting a form of obnoxiously written litterature to stimulate a ridiculously funny mind...

Aside from we at She & Him being blissly inclined to enjoy indulging in childish aphorisms, still, Jehovah Witness' aren't sapphic creatures with deep throats, ok?..

Whatever. Take it at face value. Yessssssiiirie!..

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