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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger may still be a good parent. Just ask Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia

'I got a bunch of dollars I can spend them on her. Cause she can be my lady, she can be my lover. Call me on a late night, get right he aint acting right... HERE I AM!'

On the Marriott ball Arnie most likely uttered a rendition of Avery Storm when he cozily shacked up with Mildred Patty Baena...

Hence by now most folks heard how the tables turned on californication governator Arnold Schwarzenegger, as a weave of betrayl disentangled when Arnie came clean about his extracurricular political activities, concerning launching his steriod capsule lad into Mildred in good ol' political fashion...

Sadly, we were all ears when Maria Shriver publicized that the chemically imbalanced duo will split. And that Maria will go on talk shows and all that junk to sink us in her grief...


Over the past week Maria has been inspiringly upstanding and boring by encouraging her crabby kids (Katherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher) to forgive daddy-yanker Arnie for his extracurricular political activities...

A source close to the family backed this boring request up by stating that:

"As hurt as she may be, she will encourage them to forgive their father."

This, after one of the bambino's changed their last name from Schwarzenegger to Shriver, on Twitter. So it's legal to change your last name on Twitter. Yeah something like that...

Nonetheless, the source continued to go on and on by affirming that:

"Both Arnold and Maria want to make sure they are being good parents above everything."

So in spite of the 'unfortunate circumstances' folks. You may be a consorter that shoves their centuries-old flopped shrimp into lassies, and still be a good parent. We've seen it before. Nothing new. Just ask Ibn Saud of Saudia Arabia...

Moving on. Now that Maria's public announcement bore us to tears, Mildred's ex Rogelio Baena disappointedly acknowledged on the subject of learning that his son is in fact a brooded bastard of Arnie. To no avail he vigilantly states that:

"Arnold Schwarzenegger for me [was] my hero... Maria is destroyed."

When questioned how he feels about the bastard, he replied:

"I am your father. That's all."

We don't see this act of generosity too often (Round of applause folks)...

And besides. You're taking a load off daddy-yanker Arnies' frankfurter shoulders while a mob of ankle-biters chant 'DADDY! DADDY! DAAAADDDY!'

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