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Monday 23 May 2011

Is he Lars for words or just a Trier?

For the most part of our lives, most folks in all probability wouldn't momentarily glance at the tedious history text-book, nor be bothered with any historical chap in their prairie attire for that matter...

They bore the heck out of us as we loathe the endless battles that could've been resolved by trading off fevered livestock. Killing the enemy concurrently, might we add...

A pure example of how history has belittled human reason (when it makes you sympathize with a boorhole), such as the Voortrekker monument where you have a boor kneeling with a pistol, while two Zulu's are stanced ready to jab a spear at the boor. Daft we know, but as the horse dashes off in the backdrop at that point the boor realizes what his horse realized. That's why horses aren't mans best friends, and why Australian blokes go onto wipeout and call themselves ponyboys and not cowboys...

Anyhow, I think we all agree that asinine decisions were made throughout history, and by virtue it has influenced the future, and it impacts the present so that we can change the world for the better...

Yet these ideologies leak into our crusty membranes, and permeates our minds with poppycocks to f*ck up the world again and again. A cyclical process of idiocy, the latter part of history might we concur...

Ahah, before you slay the foreskin out of our trousers, we at She & Him have the evidence to back us up...

While relentlessly grazing with folkies at the toads sponging down in Cannes, we couldn't help but throw a flip-flop at the box when Lars talked nineteen to the dozen, 'I'm a jew and a nazi!'...

Funny? Jew and Nazi? Was Lars sniffing the pesticide fumes coming out of Kirsten Dunst funnel or trying to score with a brute disposition?..

Though our culture-shock-absorbers are absent we didn't find the kind of 'yarned shaggy dog poop jokes only a Dane would find hilarious' fun...

While Lars never managed to piss-off the holy land as much as Biebs did, he did however manage to toggle folkies (the plebs whom think they are somehow acquinted to the half-witted celebs), normal sensitive folkies, pervs and the Cannes directors...

According to the horror-struck Cannes directors, they state that:

"[The Cannes board of directors] profoundly regrets that this forum has been used Lars Von Trier to express comments that are unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and genorosity that preside over the very existence of the festival".

Evidently Lars has a spoiled coating, one which makes Kirsten Dunst feel 'uncomfortable'. Realising that god has failed him in stature (personification of a living crime-scene), Lars crafted a persona of a filthy rich Jew and a nutcase nazi. This didn't follow-on well as Lars was banished from the festival to creep at a snail's pace until its decided whether or not his movie reeks as much as he does...

The board being the moral vine of all the lunacy in these bore toads, claims that:

"The board of directors firmly condems these comments and declares Lars Von Trier persona non grata at the Festival de Cannes, with effect immediately".

By chance Lars escaped with a black-and-blue ego following him pathetically being spat on with a one-liner by Kirsten Dunst 'you make me feel uncomfortable', and directors of the Cannes festival launching a narrative punch at the persona non grata's pigeon hole...

So who's fountain of urine-soaked knowledge was Lars drinking from (as if it were his own)? Was it from the National Party's act of urination?

So there you have it folkies. Cut the unidirectional potty. History is the past and should remain in the past? Debatable when considering Lars, yes. History's pretty much relevant not as a pick-up-line Lars...

Hence, after being trampled on by the bored of directors, Lars couldn't be contacted for any comments. Not that we care...


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