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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Was Demi Lovato 'pushed to hard'? Certainly not by the Janus Brothers...

My pressumptions are, that we all must have atleast a few setbacks...

From the dearest darling with bunions proliferating in a gladiator heel...

To the scruffy lad whom took you to kfc on your 1st anniversary...

Yet, we don't detonate into a hypomanic episode...

As we supposedly have defense mechanisms after having a dose of caffine and puff...

Yet there are the sort, the bore monger type...

The studio-farming androids whom flounce their millions while our cheques bounce...

Yet, who gives two hoots, as we take pleasure in observing the idiocy of these duplicated chumps...

Alas, yet another hullabaloo as Demi Lovato, known as the most vicious creature to be manufactured and subsist after the beast, from the Beauty and the Beast, by Disney...

Following a cup of potty kopi luwak distastefully tittle-tattle with the sane publicist of the nutcase wrist-gasher, Lovato...

Off the record She & Him can verify that:

'Lovato may have troubles that speak larger than her issues'...

At first we could assume that it might be an onset of menstruation with bolting spasm...


The earsplitting Disney tweenie announced she was leaving the unheard of tour with the Janus kittens, to seek medical treatment (a scalpel maybe, eh?), for 'emotional and physical issues'...

So, emotional?...

Bitch fighting with the kittens over who gets to sleep with Brandon Smith?..

Or overwhelmed emotions concerning you being thrown a tomato at?...

Eat it,eh?

So, Physical?..

Undoubtedly a sloth such as the likes of Britney and Lindsey?..

Or effortless endeavors to manically garb yourself into a shoe-size?..

Shoes were made for walking, weren't they?...


We feel your grief...

It must be unpleasant being constantly surrounded by whining bitches...


The tot tweenie whom has the personality traits of a decomposed toss salad, a mishmash of Jason X and binger Mary-Kate Olsen, known for her slits and malnourished blemish physique...

Should've stepped it up a notch as skillful as she is is at gashing and done us all a favor by literally unplugging the Janus Kittens mics...


In a move to curb her enthusiasm

The Tweenie tot has however, finally, decided to take responsibility like an apt post-adolescent's inclined to...

Yes you correctly guessed it...

She's booked herself into the batty loony pound far beyond the grasps of general humanity...


As you know from our shitty blogs...

She & Him has embarked on a humanitarian movement in the hope to bring about social change, that is hope for the pitiful hopeless sods...



We know that stress for a tiny tot may be a bit unwelcoming and crushing, as you have just mastered potty training...


We can concur that you are a 'troubled performer'...

Thus, we are refering to your ear droning jingles...

Once you become a She & Him, that is an adult...

Maybe then, you'll have an epiphany...

As you would realize that your tweenie days have exasperated you in the manner through which we're being tormented as a result of your ear droning jingling...

We bid you farewell...

In hope that you may come back a new person...

Maybe take up Buddhism, as it's your penny in a wishing well, you portal from the profane to the sacred...

As Jesus won't be summoned up for your totty gobbledygook...

'Love thy self', as Jesus would say...

What a load of bullshit anyways, what's next Demi?...

Mi casa es su casa (you are welcome to potty on this lawn)

Adíos conocido/as

Don't bother trying to sniff our vasectomy panties on Facebook or Twitter as the writer chooses to remain anonymous, for reasons of having Jesus' abs and Brad Shits face.

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