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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Demi Lovato's demons:"Cyber-bullies are cowards"


Yes folks, it's probably the most outlandish and heavy-eyed statement we have ever witnessed in the history of She & Him, as Demi Lovato has slammed, in cahoots with her personal goblins and an unbothered sedated Catherine Zeta Jones, at the sitting-ducks on twitter whom make fun of people with mental illnesses...

It's a cat and mouse battle we ought to be blasé about, but otherwise the battle has skyrocketed like full blown aids...

As fans have displayed their empathy as if it were a requiem...

And, haters have come out in their numbers calling Dem a cunt, which evidently is remotely not related to mental illnesses...

Mercifully for Dem, she consulted She & Him regarding the cyber-playground squabble. At first we considered taking a rain check as we were irresolute as to whether or not we were going to converse with Dem or her goblins. But, we decided to hang around for a while to hear what she's nit-picking at on twitter...

Dem who apparently had an overnight eating disorder and bipolar, told She & Him via twitter:

"I wish there wasn't so much pressure on society to be thin".

Dem obviously had no clue what she was talking about due to an overindulgence of her m & m pills...

Society beyond doubt has always had issues regarding weight, besides for being Samoan. Yet we can't come to terms as to why Dem feels this pressure to be skinny, and fit in a babygrow...

Furthermore, given that Dem has plenty of legroom in her jeans, the damsel in distress states:

"My heart goes out to any and all women who deal with this daily battle. I can't stand it when people make fun of the diseases so many people struggle from".

Fair enough Dem, as we at She & Him acknowledge the under par mental capacity of global citizens, yet we categorize you as a matching type Dem. This stems from as a result of Dem reaching out 'in awe' of the senile Catherine to bore the polka dots out of civilization...

Catherine however shrugged off the petty advice from the plainly delusional Dem by being unresponsive, thankfully in a benevolent manner, while numerous blokes have embroiled Dem as a cunt for making her redundant issues central in a society engrossed with mental infirmities...

While the soiled bottem Dem continues to churn the mill, she adds that:

"Along with making fun of illnesses or diseases, doing it over the internet only makes you more of a coward". How so, if we told you that you folks are free to potty on our lawn...

"Not to mention you've performed the act of cyber-bullying, something that's equally wrong and unacceptable".

So, you heard it folks. According to Dem it's off the beam to make fun of people over the internet...

So rag at her the next time she's in public as she's not only a troubled performer, but she's building a fanbase of women (the size of a Tyra Banks audience), whom never gave a slapdash-doo about her up until she summoned the personal demons of Catherine...

Frankly, we are lackadaisical, yet worn-out from your tomfoolery Dem, as you hinder the evolution of thought and wane all the zeal and zest out of humanity...

Thus Dem, we can conclude that recovery may be hard for you. That's why we have crowned you the biggest loser...

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